Debugging Figma Extensions
Figma, VSCode, Debugging
Using Folders outside Workspace root in .devcontainer
VSCode, Workspace, Devcontainer, Docker
Question Answering Demo
RemixJS + Media Stream API + Blob Storage + OpenAI Whisper
Slate Entity Labeler v2
Rebuilt entity labeler with next version SlateJS
Personal Projects Site
Simple Grid of Projects
Women of Valorant
React Drag-n Drop controls, Node / Cosmos SQL service
Elo Rating System
Elo Rating System, Logistic Curve
Sc2Info Chat Bots
Discord, Twitch, Bots, Fuse.js, Local Extraction
Slate Mention Editor
SlateJS, mentions
Graphql, foundation for QnA chatbots
React Simple Auth
React Authentication, Ember Simple Auth
Unofficial FRC Trainer
React, PWA, Text-To-Speech
Rasb Pi, Firebase, LED Strips
Varous articles about these projects
Thoughts and Announcements
Various Projects